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Showing posts from December, 2019

How I exchanged my December Anxiety for Gratitude!

December, it's here! It seems like it's been a long year; (for me) but, I still can't believe December is here! December is one of my favorite months of the year! There's something about December that makes me want to get my life together! Probably because I'm a procrastinator, and because it's the last 31 days of the year to accomplish the goals on my to-do list. This December, instead of feeling anxious to cross out all the things on my list, I decided to just be thankful and be grateful that I'm still here, still standing, still enduring, and made it to see another December. I'm a perfectionist, too. I really could beat myself up for everything that I didn't do; but, to be honest, I really don't care to, neither do I want to devote the energy into that. I really don't have time or want to make time to have an ongoing war with myself in my head because of the things I didn't accomplish. Life goes on. #majorgrowthforme What I hav...