Hi Dolls,
It’s that time of the year when I schedule my annual flu shot. As part of my ongoing well-being journey, I’ve been consistently getting my flu shot annually. Here’s why:
I want to stay healthy so that I don’t miss out any important events in my loved ones lives, like getting dressed up and going out to different events with my mom (pictured).
The older I get, the longer it takes me to recover from being sick. My last cold lasted for two weeks. I don’t want to risk getting sick again this season.
Getting a flu shot is the best way to protect myself and my loved ones from the flu because it can help lessen the severity of flu symptoms if I do get sick.
The Facts: Did you know you can still spread the flu even if you don't have symptoms? Getting a flu shot helps protect your loved ones from getting sick, especially those most vulnerable like young kids and older ones.
If you’re considering getting a flu shot, get it as soon as you can. It takes about 2 weeks after your vaccine to have full protection and you'll be protected for most of flu season.
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