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Creme of Nature Lemongrass and Rosemary Leave-In Conditioner Review

After promising myself to take better care of my hair, I read in a hair care magazine that if you have breakage or dry hair (like my hair) to consider purchasing a leave-in conditioner, since you don't have to rinse it out-the conditioner keeps on working and conditioning your hair. This was perfect for me because I'm really lazy when it comes to styling and taking care of my own hair... usually I look for products that are easy and quick to use. I do use Creme of Nature's Detangling shampoo, so I figured I would buy their leave-in conditioner.

FYI- Creme of Nature is a brand that specializes in hair care products for women of color, who have natural or relaxed hair. They mostly use natural ingredients in their products, which they call "Certified Organic."

Product Claims

"Pamper your hair with this creme-based formula to soften, detangle, and provide the ultimate conditioning.  Perfect for color treated hair, organic  Lemongrass works to tone and highlight each strand.  Rosemary helps protect and strengthen from root to tip, delivering a softness that endures."


-Affordable, I bought it for $3.99 at Sally's Beauty Supply
-You get a lot of product for the price, it's 8.4 fl oz.
-Made with naturally moisturizing ingredients.
-Has a nice, fresh scent.
-Convenient to use, just put it on your hair and style as normal.
-Detangles your hair.
-Leaves your hair extremely soft.
-Easy to find, can be purchased at any drug store and beauty supply store.


-No cons about this product.

My thoughts

I really, really like this conditioner. It lives up to all of it's product claims. I'm really impressed that it detangles my hair. I bought Creme of Nature's Detangling shampoo and it doesn't detangle a thing but it's funny that the conditioner detangles my hair very well.

It's extremely moisturizing on your hair. After I wash and condition my hair, I always wash my hands and I could still feel the moisturizing oils on my hands after I washed them... good stuff!

After styling my hair, my hair felt extremely soft. My hair usually feels soft after I wash and condition it but the softness goes away after a day or two. The softness from this conditioner lasted for a good week and a half.

Overall, I'm pleased with this conditioner. It's affordable, convenient and it does the job.


Runnningstrong said…
I use that conditioner too and I really like.
G Jones said…
Thanks Jess, I didn't know you used this too. I love it :)
Anonymous said…
I'm starting a hair regimen for the first time and I chose CREME of nature products. Do u need a sealant after you moisturized with CON leave in conditioner?
G Jones said…
I've actually never used a sealant before, so; I couldn't recommend to use it or not.
Unknown said…
Thanks! Just bought this product, about to use for LOC method. I've just decided to start growing my hair and its coming in beautifully but these winter conditions have been so rough. We'll see how it does!
G Jones said…
Your welcome!

I hope it works for you.
Unknown said…
I was late to discovering this and bought like 6 bottles when I found it on sale a couple years ago. Now I can not find it anywhere which is sad, because this is one of the best leave-ins I ever used. I wasn't aware of it being discontinued,or even read that it was being discontinued. However I can not find it anywhere. Curious if you may have any insight on if it got discontinued?. The company should know how loved this product is to many like myself with unmanageable hair. I'm sad I can not find it anywhere. Not even on eBay. Great article and even though this was from awhile ago it still applied to me. As I am down to my last bottle and just love how well this product helped my hair.
G Jones said…
@unknown: Hi! Thank you so much for reading the post, and taking the time to comment! That means a lot to me! It was a great conditioner. I did a search online, and it only showed up on Walmart's site, but it said to check their stores for it. I went to Cream of Nature's website, and they now have an Argan Oil leave in conditioner. Have you thought about trying that? From personal experience, I know that Argan Oil is great for moisturizing hair. I hope you find something that you like! Take care.
Laura said…
I tried the mango & Shea butter leave in which is ok,but just doesn't have that magic like the lemongrass & rosemary does. I may try other ones to see how well they do,but just so very sad that I can not find it anywhere. The Walmart site states it's out of stock and neither Amazon,or eBay have it. So I'm kind of thinking maybe they discontinued it and just didn't advertise they were doing so. Which is sad, because in my opinion it was well liked and an excellent product. Thank you for referring the argon oil. I definitely will try it.
And thank you for responding. I know this is a older article,but I very much enjoyed it and it's nice to see that others loved this product as much as me. Maybe they will produce more and start selling it again?..we can only hope..

G Jones said…
@Laura: You're very welcome! As you said, I do think it's been discontinued. It seems like the products we like so much get discontinued. Yes, hopefully they'll put it in back in production again. I hope you like the Argan oil one! Let me know your thoughts if you do!

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